Caipirinha - Our Recipe for the Perfect New Year's Eve Cocktail

Caipirinha, most people have probably tried it or at least heard about it. In any case, this cocktail is one of the most famous and popular of its kind, not only in Brazil but around the globe. Due to its status, it also functions as a kind of figurehead for Brazil and is thus stored in many people's minds right next to soccer, samba, and the Copacabana. Caipirinha is therefore not only a fruity treat but also one of the first things you associate with Brazil.
By the way, the name itself comes from the Portuguese and is derived from the word caipira, which means "backwoodsman". But more important than the word derivation is the right preparation. That's why we have decided to inform you about a few possible myths about the caipirinha recipe without you having to make a trip to Brazil first.
The Brazilian original
A caipirinha convinces many people because of its refreshing and fruity taste, while it is also appreciated for its comparatively simple recipe. However, its great popularity has also led to the fact that you are often offered something other than caipirinha, which differs significantly from the original drink.
Also in Brazil itself, different variations can be found. However, the original caipirinha recipe in bars from Rio to Natal consists of only three essential ingredients: cachaça, limes, and sugar. Ice is also added.
The alcoholic basis is a sugar cane brandy, known in Brazil as cachaça. In contrast to rum, the schnapps is made from freshly harvested sugar cane. The name cachaça is a protected designation of origin in Brazil, which means that cachaça must always have been produced in Brazil. The most famous brands come from Pernambuco. Similar to many other spirits, sugarcane schnapps is available in different quality levels and thus also in different price segments. However, the alcohol content must be between 38 and 48 percent.
Differently than often prepared and against the faith of many, the genuine caipirinha prescription contains not brown cane sugar, but fine white sugar. This circumstance does not only have an optical effect, but also a taste. The alternative traded as brown cane sugar consists namely not rarely of colored beet sugar, so that finally not for the necessary addition of the taste of sugar cane is provided.
Limes are almost a dime a dozen in Brazil. Lemons are rather rare. Lime gives the cocktail an exceptionally fruity note and its characteristics, so it is of course a must. In any case, make sure you wash the limes well and buy untreated fruit if possible.
In the European bar scene, "crushed ice" is often used, which means that the drink will get cold faster, but also watered down faster. In Brazil, people therefore usually use normal-sized ice cubes. This keeps the caipirinha fresh for longer and retains its taste for longer.
Our caipirinha recipe with 10 steps for a delicious glass:
1. wash the lime
2. cut off small ends of the lime (they have rather bitter flavors), then cut the lime into eight pieces, seven of them into a glass
3. add about two teaspoons of white sugar
4. crush the sugar and lime with a masher to extract the juice and aroma
5. then fill about 5-6 cl cachaça into the glass
6. Stir vigorously
7. refill ice
8. put the last eighth lime as a "topping" on top
9. (if you have a shaker, you can optionally mix the drink properly before serving or consumption)
10. enjoy!
We hope we could give you a little inspiration for the upcoming celebrations and arouse some Brazilian vacation feeling or at least anticipation for a caipirinha in your next Brazil vacation!