Fascination Amazon – The Difference between Rainy and Dry Season

Brazil knows how to inspire with its diverse nature and its enormous size and is therefore the destination of many travelers. But it is not only the size that inspires. The different landscapes are unique and cannot be found anywhere else in the world. The Amazon and the Pantanal captivate nature lovers and ecotourists. However, before planning your trip to the country at the other end of the world, you should think about the best time to travel to Brazil. Due to its size and expanse, Brazil has different climatic zones. To get the most out of your Brazil trip, it is important to have enough knowledge about the fascinating differences of the dry and rainy seasons in Brazil!
The characteristics of the rainforest
Sun and rain, heat and humidity characterize the climate of the rainforest. Temperatures vary little throughout the year, and rainfall is very abundant. Monsoons and trade winds influence the climate in the tropics, where the year is divided into rainy and dry seasons. The physical climatic zones are also divided according to latitude. The tropics are within 23.5 degrees of the equator. The subtropics, where the classic characteristics of the tropics are not as pronounced, are between 23.5 and 40 degrees. The other climate zones are between 40 and 90 degrees, but are not relevant to our blog article.
Humid and warm, this is how the climate in the tropical rainforest can be described. In the tropics, the sun is high in the sky at noon, giving it enormous evaporative power, and it rains a lot. According to the amount of rain, the year in the tropics is divided into dry and rainy seasons. In order for tropical rainforests to develop, certain climatic conditions must be met. It must be warm all year round with little fluctuation of temperatures from about 73.4 degrees Fahrenheit to 80.6 degrees Fahrenheit, therefore there are no classical four seasons, but only two. Even in the coldest month, the average temperature rarely drops below 64.4 degrees Fahrenheit. The further north or south you move from the equator, the greater the temperature fluctuations become over the course of a year. In addition, it must rain a lot. The annual rainfall is at least 1,500 millimeters or 1.5 meters per square meter and can be as high as 10,000 millimeters. In addition, the air is always warm and humid, but the evaporation rate must be lower than the amount of precipitation. As a result, a lot of fog forms during this process. These are some of the fascinating differences of the different seasons.
A typical day in the rainforest
The weather forecast for the tropical rainforest is similar for each of the 365 days of the year. On a typical day in the Amazon tropical rainforest, the fog patches quickly dissipate in the morning, and by midday it becomes hot. The rainforest heats up and stores the energy of the sun, the rainforest as a solar battery. Then the first clouds move in. In the early afternoon it becomes very humid, the clouds become denser and in the late afternoon there is rain, accompanied by thunder and lightning, the rainforest as rainmaker. Towards evening, fog patches can form, the night becomes "fresh" with temperatures around 69.8 degrees Fahrenheit. Slowly the rainforest releases the stored solar energy. The night is virtually the winter of the tropics, because the temperature fluctuations during the day far exceed those of the year. Depending on whether it is the rainy or dry season, the daily rainfall varies considerably, from no rain at all to cloudburst showers. In the tropics, the days are almost the same length throughout the year. Here, days are 12.5 hours long on the summer solstice and just under 12 hours long on the winter solstice.
Ideal travel time
The Amazon region is located in northern Brazil and is characterized by tropical rainforest. The best time to travel to the Amazon is from May to August. Although there are high temperatures, humidity and rainfall throughout the year, this time offers the best conditions for most exploration. There is comparatively little rain, but the water level is high enough that you can navigate the Amazon and tributaries by boat. This way you can observe the flora and fauna wonderfully. If you want to make a river cruise on the Amazon and its tributaries, you should also stick to this travel time. If you also want to relax on the beaches in between, the months of May to August are also considered ideal. Although the water level is high, the beaches are not flooded and you can get a tan in the sun. Moreover, the sunny season is longer. But even in the rainy season there are enough attractions due to the enormous diversity of the tropics. However, the vacation should be planned a little differently, for example, in terms of getting around. Also, there is more sense of adventure in the rainy season. At both times, you can enjoy the Amazon, but the experience differs.
Another fascinating example is the Pantanal. The largest inland wetland in the world, the Pantanal is located in southwestern Brazil and is unsurpassed for plant and animal biodiversity. The best time to visit the Pantanal is generally from April to September. From April on, the dry season begins in the region and you can expect more pleasant temperatures than during the rainy season. In the months of April, May, June, July, August, and September there is hardly any rain. This means that the Pantanal slowly becomes drier and the animals move to the remaining water holes. Also, you will not have any difficulties with transportation. The roads are dry and not swampy, and cars can drive through the wetland without any problems. However, if you prefer more adventure, you can visit the Pantanal during the rainy season. This changes the landscape and provides a welcome change, especially if you visit again. Also, the action takes place more on the water than on the land, which gives the trip a different appeal.
Variety through the tropics
In summary, what can be said about the tropics in Brazil is that it is consistently warm throughout the year and rains frequently. However, the rainfall, especially in the rainy season, is enormous and thus changes the travel experience significantly. In addition, the humidity is very high. But it is here that the tropical rainforest can unfold in all its glory, showing all its fascinating facets. If you now want to spend your Brazil vacation in the Amazon region, you now know at which times you can make the most of your vacation!
Sources: www.abenteuer-regenwald.de, www.faszination-regenwald.de, www.wikipedia.org