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The Most Popular Beers in Brazil

April 12, 2018
Carnival in Florianopolis with Skol

The Brazilians and their iced beer

So that you don't feel too lost in the small talk, you will now get a small crash course in the consumer behavior of Brazilian beer lovers. Right at the beginning, we will tell you the types of beer that should be familiar to you during your Brazilian vacation. The most popular beer brands among Brazilians are Skol, Brahma, and Antarctica. Whether in a cozy beach bar in Jericoacoara or on a busy square in Salvador, these beers should be on every drinks menu.

But it took a little while until the Brazilians were able to enjoy the beer as well. To be more precise, the beer was not introduced to Brazil until the arrival of the Portuguese royal family in 1808. At that time, it was not yet possible to think of producing the drink in the house, so the beer was mainly imported from England. However, the high cost of imports made it an expensive product, so that in Brazil, people preferred to consume affordable Portuguese wines or the local sugar cane brandy. Although some European immigrants preserved their traditions and devoted themselves to the small-scale production of beer at home, beer production only really took off at the end of the 19th century. Many famous production plants were established in Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, and the south of the country.

Today, the Skol brand is one of the best-selling types of beer in Brazil. Among the three most popular beers among Brazilians, Skol is the only non-Brazilian brand. The best-selling beer variety in Brazil was created by the merger of several European breweries and the word "Skol" is used in Swedish to toast. In 1967, Skol appeared on the Brazilian market and was able to stand out from its competitors' thanks to innovative ideas. New can materials for longer cooling of the beer, a refrigerator made especially for storing Skol beer, or beer-flavored ice cream. Skol spared neither expense nor effort to invest in marketing and was able to win over young consumers in particular.

The development of the second most popular beer in Brazil is due to the Swiss immigrant Joseph Villiger. He began producing beer at home. After some time, Villiger joined forces with two Brazilians and together they founded the Manufactura de Cerveja Brahma Villiger & Companhia in Rio de Janeiro. The beer seemed to appeal to the taste of the consumers so that its sales and the volume produced grew steadily. Brahma is known for testing new tastes and has appeared on the market over the years with ever new variations.

Antarctica beer has probably the most interesting history of all the popular beers in Brazil. The brewery site was originally a pig slaughterhouse, run by a Brazilian living in Sao Paulo. Later, the farm was converted into a factory site for ice cream production. At that time, the German brewer Louis Bücher became interested in the factory and in 1888 he joined forces with the Brazilian factory owner. Together they started to produce the now very popular Antarctica beer on the premises. The sales plans seemed to work out and especially the brand name of the beer aroused great interest among the Brazilians. Until then it was rather unusual to buy the drink in a bottled and branded bottle. The beer was mostly only available in barrels and without a special reference. The Antarctica company changed this and today it ranks third among the most consumed beers in Brazil. By the way, the two Brazilian beer brands Brahma and Antarctica are part of the Ambev company, the largest beverage producer in Latin America.

So you see, there is a lot to try out during your Brazil vacation. Go on a beer test in Brazil and experience new tastes. If you are not yet sure about which beach you want to have your chilled drink, we will be happy to help you to plan your trip.

External source: www.institutodacerveja.com.br

Source: Aventura do Brasil