The Most Popular Souvenirs from Brazil

A little space for small souvenirs from your vacation should always be in your suitcase. Here come the most popular souvenirs from Brazil.
Brazil is a beautiful country. Not only the breathtaking nature but also the colorful art and culture reflect that. With so much culture, music, and handicrafts, of course, the choice of souvenirs is correspondingly large. Now you just have to decide and find the right piece. So that you don't come back empty-handed from your Brazil vacation, we have collected a few ideas for you.
The classics
For some it is unnecessary kitsch, for others, it is an absolute must on every vacation: the "I love" T-shirt with the matching magnet for the refrigerator door. If you like the typical souvenirs, you'll have a hard time deciding between the huge selection in Brazil. There is a suitable article for every sight. If you don't have room on your shelf for a miniature Statue of Christ, you can also find practical everyday items in Brazilian design, such as tea towels or cooking aprons. If you want to stand out in the gym, buy a Brazilian soccer jersey. Whether it's from the national team or one of the popular local teams, not everyone is sure to have one of these. So take a look at the souvenir stores. With such a large selection, there is something for everyone.
Musical instruments
Brazil without music is not possible. Especially on your Brazil tour, you will find out that the repertoire goes far beyond the well-known samba music. People make music with passion all over the country. Different kinds of music and matching musical instruments are in use. How about the berimbau? The most important instrument for the typical capoeira sounds. Often the berimbaus are elaborately painted by hand and are therefore also suitable as special decorative pieces for the home. Don't worry about your luggage. Musical instruments are often available in smaller sizes.
In many places in Brazil, a large part of daily life takes place at the beach. The most important piece of clothing is the bikini or swimsuit. The variety is huge and the price ranges are quite different. You can spend a small fortune on designer swimwear. Or buy a bikini for a few reais from a street vendor on the beach promenade. But be careful: Brazilians like it a bit more revealing. In many models, the fabric is a bit tight for the North American taste. So it's always better to try them on first.
By the way, the perfect cover-up is the canga. The thin, colorful cotton cloths are practical and serve both as a seat pad and as a wrap. Especially on the beach promenades of Rio, you can find colorful clothes with colorful motifs. Another plus point is that the thin fabric takes up very little space and is hardly noticeable on the luggage scales.
When you're on vacation, you like to get new culinary inspiration and come home with lots of new ideas. After all, the people at home should be able to experience a bit of Brazil. For a Brazilian evening, the typical sugar cane schnapps is a must. Of course, you can also buy it in the US. But the brands that are available here would probably fall through with the Brazilians. So take the chance and bring the good drink home with you. The common brand in Brazil is the "51". But maybe you will pass by a fazenda, where the cachaça is still produced in elaborate handwork. This would prepare you perfectly for the Brazilian cocktail party.
The well-known Brazilian flip-flops are certainly not among the insider tips. But for that, you will have no problems finding a suitable pair. The selection is huge and the sandals can be bought on every corner. Sometimes even in the drugstore or at small, inconspicuous kiosks. Havaianas are the perfect souvenir for those who already have enough decorative pieces at home and who want to buy something useful for the summer instead.
Works of art
Brazilians are an artistic people. On your round trip, you should always keep your eyes open for special treasures along the way. Whether painting or handicrafts, such as the famous pottery of the island Ilha de Marajó. Or take a look at the work of Brazilian embroiderers. For the most beautiful works of art, it is best to go to local markets. For example, to the so-called hippie market in Rio de Janeiro. In Embú das Artes near São Paulo, you can marvel at an entire village full of works of art. If you don't have time for a trip to the market, you can also just have a look at the beach. You can often find small stalls there with a clear selection of art and handmade jewelry.
Brazilian treats
Maybe you would like to bring a little something for your colleagues. At work, one is always happy about treats that sweeten the office life. Very tasty and popular among Brazilians are BIS cookies. The small, individually wrapped chocolate wafers are perfect for sharing. Or how about goiabada, for those who like it really sweet? The paste made from the guava fruit might be too sweet for some, but that's precisely why it's so popular with Brazilians, and it's also suitable for coffee-making.
Speaking of coffee: of course, you are always right. After all, Brazil is number 1 in coffee cultivation and export. If you are already there, take a packet for home. If you are overwhelmed by the selection in the supermarket, you can simply stick to the Brazilian taste and buy the most popular brand Pilão. If you want to bring a typical Brazilian hot drink for the non-coffee drinkers, too: mate tea is available in every supermarket and has many flavors.
Got enough inspiration? Then your next Brazil trip and your voyage of discovery through the colorful world of Brazilian souvenirs is ready to begin.